Dear Reader,
Have you ever considered the meaning behind the word "Apology?" Most individuals hear that word and they naturally think it refers to an "admittance of guilt." I recently read "The Apology" created by Socrates and recorded by Plato, and I was impressed with Socrates's ability to defend his choices. Basically, this amazing piece of literature is a DEFENSE of the charge that he had corrupted the youth of Athens, by helping them to question the questions. He wanted the youth to think for themselves. He chose to die, because he would not refute his belief system. I was inspired to write my own "Apologia," where I defended one of Socrates's quotes, " The Unexamined life is not worth living." Let me know what you think of my defense.
by Brianna Crampton
"The unexamined life is not worth living" represents a valid and logical statement. In order to truly exist, one must actively examine his life. If an individual does not think about how he wants to live, then he gives up those decisions to others; consequently, becoming like an animal, or even a machine, in that he has no self, and no agency to act independently. An unexamined life has no "author." To live a meaningful life doesn't one need to claim it as their own and actively "author the rest of the story?" This is why the unexamined lif is not worth living. Every individual has aspects to their existence that need examination and hopefully change for improvement. One most realize that if they exist without seeking change and improvement, then they become stagnate. If one fails to reflect upon his life and values, and just exists to "go through the motions," or "follow the crowd" then that life is actually not owned by that individual. Such a person is not a true agent until they stop and question what drives them and what actions reshape their character. Isn't living about being conscious, and isn't consciousness about examining ones choices and the consequences that follow? A life full of reflection and reevaluation leads to growth and discovery, and the more one "knows the more he realizes that he does not know." Individuals must question for growth, and then evaluate the answers to the questions. Constant examination of one's life adds meaning and worth to it; consequently,making an examined life a better one.
Have you ever considered the meaning behind the word "Apology?" Most individuals hear that word and they naturally think it refers to an "admittance of guilt." I recently read "The Apology" created by Socrates and recorded by Plato, and I was impressed with Socrates's ability to defend his choices. Basically, this amazing piece of literature is a DEFENSE of the charge that he had corrupted the youth of Athens, by helping them to question the questions. He wanted the youth to think for themselves. He chose to die, because he would not refute his belief system. I was inspired to write my own "Apologia," where I defended one of Socrates's quotes, " The Unexamined life is not worth living." Let me know what you think of my defense.
by Brianna Crampton
"The unexamined life is not worth living" represents a valid and logical statement. In order to truly exist, one must actively examine his life. If an individual does not think about how he wants to live, then he gives up those decisions to others; consequently, becoming like an animal, or even a machine, in that he has no self, and no agency to act independently. An unexamined life has no "author." To live a meaningful life doesn't one need to claim it as their own and actively "author the rest of the story?" This is why the unexamined lif is not worth living. Every individual has aspects to their existence that need examination and hopefully change for improvement. One most realize that if they exist without seeking change and improvement, then they become stagnate. If one fails to reflect upon his life and values, and just exists to "go through the motions," or "follow the crowd" then that life is actually not owned by that individual. Such a person is not a true agent until they stop and question what drives them and what actions reshape their character. Isn't living about being conscious, and isn't consciousness about examining ones choices and the consequences that follow? A life full of reflection and reevaluation leads to growth and discovery, and the more one "knows the more he realizes that he does not know." Individuals must question for growth, and then evaluate the answers to the questions. Constant examination of one's life adds meaning and worth to it; consequently,making an examined life a better one.
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